Your organization, as part of a consensus-based alliance, can solve complex challenges faster and more creatively than you can alone. For the last decade, Leavitt Partners, an HMA Company, has used its deep health policy knowledge and healthcare alliance-convening expertise to develop timely, innovative solutions.
Our Academy of Conveners are proven to help your alliance achieve success.

Melanie Bella
Chair, MACPAC and Former Director, Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office, CMS The Dual Eligible Coalition
David Blumenthal
Former National Coordinator for Health Information Technology and Former CEO, Commonwealth Fund CARIN Alliance
Aneesh Chopra
Former U.S. Chief Technology Officer, Advisor to the CARIN Alliance CARIN Alliance
Brett P. Girior, M.D.
Former Assistant Secretary for Health, HHS and Former Acting FDA Commissioner The Sickle Cell Disease Partnership
Donald Warne, MD, MPH (Oglala Lakota)
Co-Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Indigenous Health American Indian Medical Education Strategies (AIMES) AllianceOur Team
Our team has decades of experience in the private sector and government.
Our depth of experience in healthcare helps you through every aspect of alliance development and operation to achieve your goals.
Leavitt Partners wrote the book on alliances. Literally. We’ve crafted a framework for uniting stakeholders to solve their hardest challenges, and captured it in the book, Finding Allies, Building Alliances.